Hoya Moros, boulder paradise

To get to there you hike for about 2 hours up a narrow, rocky trail among small bushes. After reaching the boggy plateau, you go down a few hundred meters towards what appears to be a giant lawn sprinkled with boulders and a huge mountain wall (with trad climbing lines) and you are there! 

One of the advantages of bouldering, there is always a bed around when you need one :)

The location is well worth the 2 hour trail. The place is amazing with boulders of all shapes and sizes. There is a boulder for everyone! Without doubt, boulder paradise is here! 

And on top of that, you still have the beautiful alpine landscape, beaming with wild flowers, and all around.

Wasn't it for the gelid temperature of the water and the spot was absolutely perfect...

cute tiny frogs

At 2400 m of altitude, a huge green lawn, inhabited only by a few dozen cows (which if purple would make you feel like you were inside Milka's chocolate ad) and a small zigzagging creek, lies Hoya Moros, the  boulder paradise! 

 Rafa na "Fissura" começo sentado - 6c 

 Tony on "Fissura" standing start - 6b

Mário on a very hard line - 7a, 7b?
Our buzzing camping ground!

And what better way to end the trip than with Johny sending "Átila" - 7a, on his third attempt!

Johny reaching for the top!

We'll be back!


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