Espinhaço II

And we're back in Espinhaço for another weekend of rock scrubbing :) This time with a greater work force and many more hands to scrub and climb the freshly open lines.

This time we started on the other side of the cliff.

Pena scrubbing "" while carrying a famous circus number among
some climbers know as: "balancing on a high ladder on top
of a pile of crash pads" 

Pena giving " " a go

"Aresta do cão"

Pena na "Aresta do cão" 6c

View to Cabo da Roca


For some lines you will need a good number os crash pads to even out the base and make sure you don't roll down the cliff. Some lines, are definitely not for the faint of heart. Not even for the spotter that, in ocasion, might also deserve their own spotter :p 


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