and we're back agaaaain... day 3

:: Hard work :: 
I used to think that the hard work in climbing was all in the climb itself, getting through the crux, enduring through a long line or ignoring the pain caused by sharp crimps. After a few trips to Sortelha I've come to realise that climbing is not just about going up walls and boulders, and that behind each line there is often a lot of work involved before you can actually climb the line you or someone else envisioned. 

The day started with Pena, Nuno and Spínola lifting, pushing and carrying huge blocks of stone with the help of some sort of truck jack handle and pure arm strengthl! All to create a flatter and safer landing for Pena's new highball project, the "Heart Prow". 
Heavy work that will surely continue for a few more days.

The "Heart Prow"


Briand getting the FA of "Alquimista"

And even after a a hard day's work carrying rocks around Penadoes not disappoint and sends "Graceland" - 6c, a line opened by Briand :)

Pena and Briand trying a new and very slabby line still awaiting for a FA.


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