and we're back agaaaain... day 4

Waking up next to the boulders is a privilege and feels especially good after a party night at Sortelha's community centre eating the local delicacies - bucho with cabbage, potatoes and homemade bread! Yum... 
Count us in next year!

From left to right, an unnamed easy warm up line following the aretê, at the central block, an unnamed 6c, followed by "Assalto nocturno" - 6c, a cool line using the horizontal crack, and last but not least Mário's 3D line "Tronco nú"- V+, starting inside the big diagonal crack on the right and straight exit.

"Pacman" - 7b (left) and "Contra-oposição" - 6b (right) 

Back to "Pátio das Bruxas" sector

"Will I ever ever..." (have the guts to climb this beautiful slab!?)

I have no idea of which grade it will turn out to be but at least psychologically it will not be a piece of cake. The first moves are doable but the exit, still awaiting to be fully deciphered and cleabed, seems a bit tricky even for those that like small crimpy holds and slabs (or maybe this is the fear talking already) :p

But if the line didn't take you to your breaking point, this is one of the rewards you'll get, an amazing view of Sortelha's endless boulder field

"Terracota", 7b+, during its cleaning process
Last count: ~130 new boulder lines!


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